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- News from the Field -
Sweet Watermelons with Saline water
The farmer shared his experience (translation from Arabic): "I have been a farmer for decades and what I am experiencing using the ALVÁTECH device is something that has confused me, I am seeing results that have never happened before.” “All over the field it is very nice, and every day we see healthy plants growing, even from one hour to another you see healthy growth. Despite reducing irrigation and fertilizers the plants are growing fully green and much better than expected”.
• A reduction of 47% in water usage was recorded followed by an even higher reduction of 65% in fertiliser usage.
• Overall production cost was reduced by 24%. This is the equivalent approximately of $2000 per hectare which is a saving of $80,000.
• The grower saw a 52% increase in production in comparison to the results from the previous season. High grade watermelon percentage increased and the grower managed to sell the watermelons at a premium and increased profitability.
• ALVÁTECH system has generated over 10 times of its cost in increased revenue and water and fertilisers saving in the first year of operation alone. ALVÁTECH systems longevity is estimated at 15 years.
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